Samuel J. Gowin

practices in Chattanooga and is a cum laude graduate of the University of Georgia School of Law. Mr. Gowin previously worked as an electrical engineer in the nuclear power and custom machinery fields after graduating from the Georgia Tech in 1999.

Sam primarily represents parties in real estate, probate and business matters. Sam is a member of the Tennessee and Georgia Bars. He is the former Section Chair of the Tennessee Bar Association's General and Solo Practice Section.

He enjoys exploring new places and ideas, accomplishing tasks and promoting hospitality and pursuing other adventures with his wonderful wife, Sarah and three children. Sam works with Bridge Refugee Services in Chattanooga, Tennessee providing legal orientation for new arrivals and legal counseling. Sam attends Mission Chattanooga in Chattanooga.

Publications and Speaking 

The Night of Willipus Willopus, Georgia Backroads, Summer, 2023.

The Heirs Property Act and a Farmer’s Legacy, Tennessee Bar Journal, November, 2022.

Death, the Art of Deed Drafting and What is a Legal Description?, February 10-11, 2020, Knoxville and Chattanooga, Sponsored by the Tennessee Land Title Association

Real Estate Law for the General Practitioner, November, 3, 2017, TBA 2017 Fall Annual Review in Nashville

Law Office Hacks:Twenty-five or sol little ways to make your law office leaner, meaner, cleaner and just better, August 15, 2015, Nashville, TN, Tennessee Bar Association 

Gowin, Sam, Pet or Pro: Service Animals, Therapy Animals and Pets Are Not the Same, Tennessee Bar Journal, February, 2014.

Collections: Seeking and Collecting a Judgment, Nov. 18, 2013, Knoxville, TN, National Business Institute.

Working with Refugee Communities and their Special Legal Issues, Oct. 11, 2013, Nashville, TN, Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services.

Starting a Law Practice, Aug. 23, 2013, Knoxville, TN, Tennessee Bar Association.

Davis Jones

is an associate attorney. He graduated in 2020 cum laude from Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law. He is licensed in Tennessee and Georgia and works in real estate title services.

Angel Pascual

is a paralegal for the firm. He graduated from Chattanooga State Community College in 2021.

Sam and the law office have obtained certification through Green Spaces Chattanooga. We want to establish and exemplify responsible, sustainable business practices.